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Commonwealthmen group of British thinkers and reformers whose ideas of republicanism, civic virtue, and liberty had an influence on the leaders of the American Revolution.
continental (cap.) a soldier in the American Revolutionary forces. [1/6 definitions]
DAR abbreviation of "Daughters of the American Revolution."
Hessian any of the German mercenaries that served with the British during the American Revolution.
John Hancock a prominent merchant and statesman who took part in the American Revolution and was a signer of the United States Constitution (b. 1737--d. 1793). [1/2 definitions]
loyalist (cap.) someone who supported the British during the American Revolution, or the Republican government during the Spanish Civil War. [1/2 definitions]
redcoat a British soldier in colonial America, esp. during the American Revolution.
Revolutionary War the war of 1775-83 in which the American colonies won their independence from Great Britain; American Revolution.
Tory during the American Revolution, an American who favored the continuation of colonial rule by the British or who favored the establishment of a monarchy. [1/4 definitions]
War of American Independence see "American Revolution."
Whig during the American Revolution, one who supported the war against England. [1/3 definitions]