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antihomosexual combined form of homosexual.
drag queen (slang) a male, generally a homosexual, who dresses in a theatrical and exaggerated way as a woman.
dyke2 (offensive slang) a female homosexual; lesbian.
faggot (offensive slang) a male homosexual.
fairy (offensive slang) a male homosexual. [1/3 definitions]
fruit (offensive slang) a male homosexual. [1/4 definitions]
gay homosexual, esp. male. [2/4 definitions]
homophile a homosexual person. [1/2 definitions]
lesbian pertaining to homosexual relations between women or to women who are homosexual. [2 definitions]
pansy (offensive slang) an effeminate man, esp. a homosexual. [1/2 definitions]
queen (derogatory slang) an effeminate male homosexual. [1/5 definitions]
queer of or pertaining to people who are not heterosexual, or who do not define their sexuality as something static or in standard terms of "heterosexual "or "homosexual." The term can also apply to people who are not cisgender; that is, people who do not identify with the sex that was assigned to them at birth. [3/6 definitions]
rough trade (slang) a tough, sadistic homosexual male hired or picked up for sex, or all such persons collectively.
swish (derogatory slang) an effeminate homosexual. [1/4 definitions]