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broadside to collide with, as in an automobile crash. [1/9 definitions]
bump to collide with (something) with a moderately forceful impact; thump. [3/7 definitions]
hit to collide or come in contact with. [1/16 definitions]
impinge to strike or collide with something (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [1/3 definitions]
jar2 to collide or bump so as to cause vibration; jolt. [2/9 definitions]
jostle to push, crowd, or bump against, esp. on purpose; collide with. [2/7 definitions]
knock to collide or bump (often fol. by "into"). [1/10 definitions]
lock step a way of marching extremely close together and precisely in unison so that marchers' legs do not collide with the legs of those in front of them. [1/2 definitions]
rattle a noise-making toy containing loose pieces that collide when shaken. [1/9 definitions]
rear-end to collide with (the rear of another vehicle).
shock1 to collide violently. [1/9 definitions]
strike to collide or make abrupt contact with. [2/31 definitions]