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Dictionary Suite
angiosperm a flowering plant that holds its seeds within an ovary.
corpus luteum a ductless gland which forms within the ovary, resulting from the reorganization of a follicle upon release of its ovum. [1/2 definitions]
egg sac (informal) an ovary. [1/2 definitions]
endocarp the inner layer of a ripened plant ovary such as a fruit pit.
epigynous of certain flowers, having all parts attached at or near the top of the ovary.
follicle a small cavity in the ovary of mammals, filled with fluid and containing a developing egg or ova. [2/3 definitions]
gonad a sex gland that produces sperm or eggs; testis or ovary.
gymnosperm any of a large division of seed plants having seeds not enclosed within an ovary, such as the conifers, seed ferns, and gingko. (Cf. angiosperm.)
hardwood any of several types of tree, such as the oak, cherry, or mahogany, that have broad leaves, bear seeds enclosed in an ovary, and yield dense, compact wood. [1/2 definitions]
ovariectomy the surgical removal of an ovary or ovaries.
ovariotomy surgical incision into or partial or total removal of an ovary or ovaries.
ovaritis inflammation of an ovary.
oviduct a tube that carries eggs from the ovary to the uterus.
ovulate to release eggs from the ovary.
pericarp the wall of a ripened ovary or fruit.
perigynous of sepals, petals, and stamens, attached to the edges of a cuplike structure that surrounds the ovary but is not connected to it. (Cf. epigynous, hypogynous.)
roe1 fish eggs, esp. as a mass in the female ovary. [1/2 definitions]