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Alps a high mountain range extending from southern France through Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Austria, and into the Balkan region and Albania.
Altai Mountains a central Asian mountain range that extends from western Mongolia into Russia and China.
Andes a mountain range that extends the length of the South American western coast.
Andes Mountains a mountain range that extends the length of the South American western coast.
bajada a smooth, sloping plain along the base of a mountain range, formed by eroded debris deposited by moving water.
Caucasus a mountain range in this region that divides Europe from Asia; Caucasus Mountains. [1/2 definitions]
cordillera a mountain range, esp. the principal or axial mountain range of a land mass.
Himalayan Mountains a mountain range between India and Tibet that includes the world's highest peaks.
Himalayas a mountain range between India and Tibet that includes the world's highest peaks (prec. by "the").
massif a large mountain mass, often broken up into separate peaks and usu. forming an independent section of a mountain range. [1/2 definitions]
Permian of, relating to, or designating the last geological period of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 280 million to 220 million years ago, when reptiles became prominent, major mountain ranges such as the Appalachians formed, and great glaciers appeared in the Southern Hemisphere. [1/2 definitions]
piedmont a region at or near the base of a mountain or mountain range. [1/2 definitions]
Sierra Nevada a mountain range in eastern California (often referred to as "the Sierra Nevadas"). [2 definitions]
Ural (pl.) a mountain range in Russia, extending from the Arctic Ocean to near the Caspian Sea and forming a border between Europe and Asia; Ural Mountains. [1/3 definitions]
Ural Mountains a mountain range in Russia, extending from the Arctic Ocean to near the Caspian Sea and forming a border between Europe and Asia; Urals.