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Dictionary Suite
bandwagon a colorfully decorated wagon used to carry musicians at the head of a circus parade. [1/2 definitions]
big top the tent or main tent of a circus. [2 definitions]
clown a comic performer, as in a circus, who wears odd clothes and exaggerated makeup and entertains by jokes, tricks, juggling, and the like. [1/4 definitions]
fire-eater a performer, as in a circus, who pretends to swallow fire. [1/2 definitions]
high wire a cable or tightrope high above the ground, used esp. in circus performance.
midway an area or strip where food concessions, shows, and games are located as at a fair, circus, or carnival. [1/2 definitions]
ringmaster one who directs performances in a ring, as at a circus.
roustabout a manual laborer in a circus. [1/3 definitions]
safety net a large net suspended beneath circus aerialists in case of a fall. [1/2 definitions]
sideshow a small exhibition offered to supplement the main attraction, as at a circus. [1/3 definitions]
three-ring circus a circus having simultaneous performances in three separate rings. [1/2 definitions]
tightrope a tightly stretched rope or wire cable, suspended high above ground, on which acrobatic feats are performed, as at a circus.
trapeze a rope swing with a bar, suspended high above the ground and used for gymnastic exercises or acrobatic stunts, as by a circus performer.