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Dictionary Suite
balmy (informal) eccentric in behavior. [1/3 definitions]
batty (slang) eccentric or crazy.
character (informal) one who is considered odd or eccentric. [1/7 definitions]
character actor an actor who specializes in supporting roles, esp. in the portrayal of eccentric or distinctive characters.
character actress an actress who specializes in supporting roles, esp. in the portrayal of eccentric or distinctive characters.
codger (informal) an eccentric or cranky man, usu. old.
cracked (informal) mentally unsound; eccentric or unpredictable in behavior. [1/3 definitions]
crackpot (informal) of an eccentric, bizarre, or impractical nature. [1/2 definitions]
crank (informal) a person having eccentric ideas or interests. [1/6 definitions]
cranky queer or peculiar; eccentric. [1/3 definitions]
cuss (informal) an unpleasant or eccentric person or animal. [1/3 definitions]
dippy (slang) foolish or eccentric.
dotty1 (informal) eccentric, weak-minded, or a little crazy; daft. [1/4 definitions]
eccentricity the quality or condition of being eccentric. [2/3 definitions]
erratic deviating from that which is usual or accepted; eccentric. [1/4 definitions]
fantastic strange or eccentric, as in appearance. [1/5 definitions]
flake (slang) an eccentric person. [1/7 definitions]
flaky1 eccentric or odd in behavior; screwy. [1/3 definitions]
flaky2 (slang) eccentric; erratic; odd.
fruitcake (slang) a crazy or eccentric person. [1/2 definitions]
kook (slang) a person considered to be eccentric, strange, or crazy.