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ahead in a position of having progressed more quickly than is necessary or expected. [1/6 definitions]
all-important extremely important; absolutely necessary; indispensable.
amino acid any of the organic acids necessary to build proteins and sustain life, some of which cannot be synthesized in the body and so must be consumed in the diet.
anarchism a theory that advocates the abolition of all forms of government as a necessary step towards achieving political and social liberty. [1/2 definitions]
arrange to plan or do what is necessary in order to bring something about (often fol. by "for"). [1/4 definitions]
articulate to make the physical movements necessary in order to utter (speech sounds). [1/10 definitions]
at all costs regardless of the effort or sacrifice necessary.
austere having nothing more than what is strictly necessary; very simple or plain. [1/3 definitions]
basal metabolism the minimum expense of energy that is necessary for life in a resting organism.
basic necessary as a foundation; fundamental. [1/4 definitions]
Basic English a copyrighted, simplified version of the English language, limited to 850 necessary words and a few grammatical rules, and used esp. as an international communication aid.
behoove to be necessary or suitable for; befit. [1/2 definitions]
betimes before the time that is necessary, expected, or customary; early.
bread this food as symbolic of the things necessary for survival. [1/4 definitions]
breviary in the Roman Catholic Church, a book containing the hymns and prayers necessary for the daily devotions of the clergy.
bucket the quantity necessary to fill such a container. [1/5 definitions]
cal.2 abbreviation of "small calorie," or "small calories," a unit of heat equal to the amount necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius, also known as "gram calorie."
calorie a unit of heat equal to the amount necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius; gram calorie; small calorie. (abbr.: cal.) [2/3 definitions]
carbohydrate any of a class of organic compounds including sugars, starches, and celluloses that are formed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and that are important in plants and necessary to animal and human nutrition. [1/2 definitions]
chlorophyll the green pigment in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary for the production of plant food by photosynthesis.
coenzyme in biochemistry, a small organic compound necessary to the function of an enzyme.