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affected2 artificial in manner and appearance. [1/2 definitions]
A.I. abbreviation of "artificial intelligence."
aquarium an artificial pond or container filled with water in which aquatic forms of life are kept. [1/2 definitions]
artless simple and natural; not artificial. [1/3 definitions]
aspartame an artificial sweetener about two hundred times sweeter than sucrose, synthesized from amino acids and used as a low-calorie sugar substitute in manufactured soft drinks, cereals, cookies, and the like.
aureate splendid, brilliant, or ornate, sometimes affectedly, as an overly artificial literary style. [1/2 definitions]
bleak2 a small European river fish whose silvery scales are used to make artificial pearls.
bridge1 an artificial tooth, or teeth, connected to natural ones. [1/6 definitions]
candid of a photograph taken of a person or people, not artificial or posed; informal. [1/4 definitions]
cellulose acetate a resin produced from cellulose, used to make products such as lacquers, photographic film, artificial silks, cigarette filters, and explosives.
chemical additive an artificial substance added in small amounts to another to improve, preserve, or otherwise alter it.
chemical-free of or pertaining to a product that does not contain artificial chemicals or is produced without the use of artificial chemicals.
climate-controlled having or providing artificial control of temperature and humidity.
coachman a type of artificial fly for fishing. [1/2 definitions]
contrived planned or artificial, esp. in an obvious way; not spontaneous.
crown an artificial cover for a tooth; cap. [2/21 definitions]
cultured grown or produced in an artificial and controlled manner. [1/4 definitions]
cyclamate any of several noncaloric artificial sweeteners.
decoy something or someone used to lure, entice, or misdirect, as into danger or a trap, esp. an artificial bird or animal used to lure live birds or animals within gunshot or into a trap. [1/3 definitions]
denture a partial or complete set of artificial teeth; false teeth.
euphuism an affected, artificial, ornate style of writing or speaking, characterized by elaborate alliteration, far-fetched figures of speech, and the like.