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batting sheets of cotton or wool used in padding furniture and filling quilts. [1/2 definitions]
blintz a thin pancake folded to enclose a fruit or cheese filling.
bonbon a candy with a filling of fruit jam, nuts, or creamy sugar paste enclosed in a coating of chocolate or the like.
Boston cream pie a two-layer cake with a custard filling and chocolate icing.
caulk to seal against leakage of water or air, esp. by filling in cracks, as in the seams of a boat or the joints of a pipe.
chocolate a single small piece of chocolate candy, usually rectangular, round, or oval in shape and often containing a sweet filling or nuts. [1/7 definitions]
cream puff a light pastry shell with a whipped cream or custard filling.
crepe a thin pancake, often served with a filling or topping. [1/5 definitions]
double-decker a food item that has two main layers, esp. a sandwich that has two layers of filling between three slices of bread. [1/3 definitions]
dumpling any of many foods consisting of a flattened piece of dough wrapped around a filling such as seasoned meat, vegetables, or fruit and steamed, fried, boiled, or baked. [1/2 definitions]
eider any of several large ducks of northern seas that yield down that is often used as a filling for pillows, quilts, and the like.
founder2 of a ship or boat, to sink after filling up with water. [1/5 definitions]
frangipani a custard flavored with almonds, used for garnishing or filling cakes and tarts. [1/3 definitions]
frosting a very sweet covering or filling for cakes, pastries or the like, often made of sugar, butter, and flavorings; icing. [1/2 definitions]
gas station a place where gas, oil, and other supplies for running a car can be bought; filling station; service station.
inlay a tooth filling that is shaped to the cavity and then cemented into place. [1/5 definitions]
invigoration the act of filling with strength, energy, or vitality; stimulation. [1/2 definitions]
Key lime pie a pie with a filling made of condensed milk and lime juice.
light2 of food or drink, not filling or heavy. [1/9 definitions]
mincemeat a mixture of chopped apples, raisins, currants, orange peel, and the like, that is combined with suet and sometimes meat, and used as a filling for pies. [1/2 definitions]
mince pie a pie with a mincemeat filling.