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Dictionary Suite
ensign a flag or other pennant, banner, or identifying badge or sign. [1/2 definitions]
flag1 a piece of cloth, usu. rectangular or triangular, bearing any of various colors and designs and used for signaling or as the symbol or emblem of a country, organization, or the like; banner; pennant. [1/3 definitions]
fly1 to wave or float in the air, as a banner or kite. [1/12 definitions]
gonfalon a flag or banner hanging from a crossbar, esp. one used as a standard by the medieval Italian republics.
hang out to hang (a banner, flag, sign, or the like) from the side of a building, often from a pole. [1/6 definitions]
oriflamme the red banner that was used as a battle standard by the early kings of France. [2/3 definitions]
pennon formerly, a long, tapered streamer or banner attached to a lance as a flag. [2 definitions]
staff1 a pole from which a flag or banner is hung; flagstaff. [1/9 definitions]
standard a flag, banner, or ensign, esp. that of a nation or ruler. [1/8 definitions]
Stars and Stripes the Star-Spangled Banner. [1/2 definitions]