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bassoon a large low-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a long doubled wooden tube fitted with a slender curved metal tube that terminates in a double-reed mouthpiece.
clarinet a woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece attached to a long, usu. wooden tube with finger holes and keys along its length.
double-reed of, pertaining to, or designating any woodwind instrument that sounds by means of a pair of reeds that vibrate against each other. [2 definitions]
English horn a double-reed woodwind instrument that resembles the oboe but is larger and lower in pitch.
flute a high-pitched musical instrument of the woodwind family, consisting of a long slender tube of wood or metal with finger holes or keys along it, that is played by blowing into a mouthpiece at one end or across a hole near one end. [1/8 definitions]
oboe a slender double-reed woodwind instrument, consisting of a long, usu. wooden tube with finger holes or keys along it, which makes a penetrating, melancholy sound.
symphony orchestra a large group of instrumentalists, including string, woodwind, brass, and percussion sections, that performs symphonic compositions.