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adz an axlike tool with a curved, sharp-edged head set crosswise to the handle, used for shaping large pieces of wood.
alpenhorn a very long curved wooden horn, used by herdsmen in the Alps to call cattle.
aoudad a wild sheep of northern Africa with long, thick, curved horns and long fringes of hair on the neck, chest, and forelegs.
aquiline of a nose, curved like an eagle's beak. [1/2 definitions]
arc any curved line; anything shaped like a bow or curve. [2/4 definitions]
arch1 a structural element, usu. of masonry, that is curved and used to span an open space such as a door. [1/5 definitions]
arcuate curved or bent like a bow; arched.
arcuation the state of being curved, arched, or bent like a bow. [1/3 definitions]
area the amount of expanse of a flat or curved surface. [1/4 definitions]
art nouveau (sometimes cap.) a style of art in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, notable for motifs taken from nature and expressed with curved lines.
bail2 the curved handle of a bucket or pail. [1/2 definitions]
banana the long, curved, fleshy fruit of any of several tropical treelike plants. [1/2 definitions]
bandy of legs, curved outward; bowed. [1/4 definitions]
bassoon a large low-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a long doubled wooden tube fitted with a slender curved metal tube that terminates in a double-reed mouthpiece.
bend to make (something) take on a curved or angular form, or a different form. [3/10 definitions]
bent1 not straight; curved or crooked. [1/6 definitions]
bighorn a wild sheep found in the Rocky Mountains of North America, the male of which has large, curved horns. (See Rocky Mountain sheep.)
billhook a sharp curved or hooked tool used for pruning, cutting, and clearing brush.
bison a hoofed, shaggy, cud-chewing mammal with a large head and forequarters, short curved horns, and a hump at the shoulders, found in North America; buffalo. [1/2 definitions]
boilerplate flat plates of steel that can be curved to make boilers. [1/5 definitions]
boomerang a curved wooden club designed to return to the thrower when hurled, used as a hunting weapon by Australian aborigines. [1/3 definitions]