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accent a manner of speaking characteristic of a particular person, group of people, or geographic region. [1/8 definitions]
Ashkenazim Jews, usu. Yiddish-speaking, of eastern and central Europe, or their descendants. (Cf. Sephardim.)
auld lang syne (cap.) a Scottish song traditionally sung at midnight on New Year's Eve in many English-speaking countries. The contemporary melody is also popular in many other countries but may be sung on different occasions and with different lyrics. [1/2 definitions]
barbarize to commit gross errors in speaking or writing. [1/4 definitions]
barrio in a Spanish-speaking country, one of the districts of a town. [2 definitions]
bilingual capable of speaking two languages almost equally well. [1/2 definitions]
bombastic overblown or pretentious, as speech, writing, or a person speaking or writing in this way.
break off to suddenly stop speaking or making sound. [1/4 definitions]
charade (usu. pl.) a game in which each player must act out a word or phrase without speaking, while the other teammates must try to guess it. [1/2 definitions]
Christian acting or speaking in accord with the teachings of Jesus Christ, esp. as to treatment of other people. [1/5 definitions]
cite to refer to and acknowledge (a source) in writing or speaking. [1/5 definitions]
cockney the characteristic manner of speaking or dialect of cockneys. [2/3 definitions]
cut off to interrupt (someone) as they are speaking. [1/8 definitions]
cut to the chase (informal) in speaking, to get to the point.
dear a person who is loved or thought of fondly by the person speaking (often used as an affectionate form of address). [1/9 definitions]
dictation the speaking or reading of words for a person to write down or a machine to record. [1/3 definitions]
dilation the process of writing or speaking about something in detail. [1/2 definitions]
doņa (cap.) Lady or Madam; a title of respect or courtesy used before a married woman's name in Spain or other Spanish-speaking countries. [1/2 definitions]
dumb (of humans, sometimes offensive) incapable of speaking. [2/4 definitions]
elocution training in, or the art of, public speaking. [2 definitions]
eloquence powerful, impressive, or persuasive writing or esp. speaking. [1/2 definitions]