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conjuncture a combination of events or circumstances, esp. one producing a crisis. [1/2 definitions]
critical of the nature of a crisis; being at the very highest point of danger but still allowing the possibility of a positive outcome. [1/6 definitions]
emergency a serious situation or sudden crisis, usu. unforeseen, that requires immediate action.
hit the panic button (slang) to react frantically to a crisis.
hot line a direct communication system set up for use in times of emergency or crisis, esp. between heads of government. [1/2 definitions]
juncture a particular point in time, esp. a point of serious importance or crisis. [1/3 definitions]
loyalist someone who is loyal to a government, organization, or leader, esp. in a time of crisis. [1/2 definitions]
nervous breakdown a severe neurotic or psychotic crisis impairing an individual's ability to function normally.
noncrisis combined form of crisis.
nonintervention a refraining from intervening in the affairs of another nation, esp. in a time of crisis, or a continuing policy of so refraining. [1/2 definitions]
postcrisis combined form of crisis.
precrisis combined form of crisis.
presence of mind ability to remain lucid in a crisis or emergency.
press the panic button (slang) to react frantically to a crisis.
pull through to survive a particular crisis or difficulty.
push the panic button (slang) to react frantically to a crisis.
survival of or relating to things that are needed to survive, esp. in a difficult environment or in circumstances of crisis. [1/2 definitions]
unflappable not easily made excited or upset, esp. by a sudden crisis.