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activate to cause decomposition in (sewage) by aerating. [1/6 definitions]
cesspool a pit or hole for receiving drainage and sewage.
drainpipe a pipe used for draining liquids, esp. sewage or rainwater.
effluent sewage or other liquid waste, esp. toxic waste, that flows into a body of water such as a river or lake. [1/3 definitions]
lagoon a man-made pool, as for sewage or wastewater treatment. [1/3 definitions]
leptospirosis any of various systemic infections in humans and animals, variously affecting the eyes, kidneys, liver, or the like, that is caused by a genus of spiral-shaped bacteria found in water and sewage.
sanitation the design and practice of methods for solving basic public health problems such as drainage, sewage treatment, and waste removal.
sewerage sewage. [1/2 definitions]
sludgeworm a small freshwater worm that lives in sewage sludges or other muds that are low in oxygen but rich in organic matter.
sullage refuse, waste, or sewage. [1/2 definitions]