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blood bank a place where blood is collected, processed, and stored as whole blood or plasma, for later use in transfusion.
cell membrane the semipermeable membrane that encloses the contents of a cell; plasma membrane.
complement a heat-sensitive substance in normal blood serum and plasma that, in combination with antibodies, destroys antigens. [1/7 definitions]
freeze-dry to preserve (foods, blood plasma, or the like) by rapid freezing and then drying in a high vacuum at a low temperature.
hematocrit a centrifuge used to separate the cells of the blood from the plasma and thus determine the relative volume of each.
magnetic bottle a magnetic field used to confine plasma during thermonuclear reactions.
plasmapheresis a medical procedure in which blood cells are returned to the donor after the plasma and blood cells have been separated.
plasmin an enzyme in plasma that dissolves certain proteins involved in blood clotting.
plasminogen the inactive precursor of plasmin, an enzyme in plasma that dissolves certain proteins involved in blood clotting.
prothrombin a protein in blood plasma that combines with calcium during clotting to form thrombin.
serum albumin the main protein found in blood plasma, serving to regulate osmotic pressure. [1/2 definitions]
transfusion the direct injection of blood or plasma into the bloodstream of a person or animal, from a container or from the bloodstream of a donor. [1/2 definitions]