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alligator either of two large crocodilian reptiles found in China and the southeastern United States and distinguished by their short broad snouts.
Altai Mountains a central Asian mountain range that extends from western Mongolia into Russia and China.
bamboo curtain (sometimes cap.) a barrier to trade and diplomacy, based on ideological and political differences, that formerly existed between the People's Republic of China and the West, attributed by the latter to the secrecy and censorship practiced by the Chinese. (Cf. iron curtain.)
Beijing the capital of China; Peking.
Bhutan an Asian country in the Himalayas, between India and China.
Bohai Sea a gulf on the northeast coast of China that is part of the Yellow Sea.
Cathay a former name for China.
catty2 a unit of weight used in Southeast Asia, equal to 680 grams, or about one and one half pounds, but in China equal to five hundred grams.
Chang Jiang the longest river of Asia, flowing from Tibet through central China into the East China Sea; Chang; Yangtze.
Chang Jiang River the longest river of Asia, flowing from Tibet through central China into the East China Sea; Chang; Yangtze.
Cheng Tang first leader of the Shang dynasty of China, ruling in approximately the seventeenth century B.C.E. (exact dates contested).
China a large, populous East Asian country on the Pacific coast; People's Republic of China. [1/2 definitions]
China Sea see "East China Sea," "South China Sea."
chinaware tableware, ornaments, or the like made of china.
Chinese a native or citizen of China, or a descendant thereof. [3/4 definitions]
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 an act signed into law in 1882 that barred Chinese laborers from immigrating to the U.S. for a period of ten years and, in addition, prohibited all Chinese immigrants from becoming naturalized citizens. Immigrants from China were not permitted naturalized citizenship until 1943.
Chou the third dynasty in China, about 1122 to 256 B.C.
cold war (cap.) the state of intense political and ideological hostility and competition for power that obtained between the communist Soviet Union and China and their allies, and the United States and its democratic allies, between the end of World War II and about 1990. The Cold War, always stopping short of direct military conflict, manifested in the arms race, the space race, and proxy wars in Vietnam, Korea, and the Middle East. [1/2 definitions]
coolie a low-paid, unskilled worker, esp. in or from China or India (used as a term of disrespect).
Da Nang a port city in central Vietnam on the China Sea, site of an important U.S. military base during the Vietnam War.
dollar the chief monetary unit of the Republic of China (Taiwan), equaling one hundred cents; yuan dollar. [1/3 definitions]