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categorical imperative the claims of personal conscience in respect to a particular ethical choice.
chasten to awaken conscience or bring about moral improvement through suffering, discipline, or punishment. [1/3 definitions]
conscienceless combined form of conscience.
conscience money money paid, sometimes anonymously, by one who hopes to atone for previous wrongdoing, in order to relieve the conscience.
conscientious done in accordance with one's conscience; principled. [1/2 definitions]
demoralize to weaken or do away with the conscience or morals of; corrupt. [1/3 definitions]
libertine a person who acts without moral restraint or conscience, esp. in sexual behavior. [1/2 definitions]
religious pertaining to matters of faith, conscience, and spiritual values. [1/5 definitions]
unconscionable not restrained or guided by conscience; unprincipled. [1/2 definitions]
unscrupulous lacking concern for honesty, fairness, or the like; without conscience or scruples.