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a1 the first letter of the English alphabet. [2/6 definitions]
Aaron according to the Old Testament, the older brother of Moses and the first high priest of the Hebrew nation.
aborigine an original or first inhabitant of an area, esp. a member of a tribe native to Australia. [1/2 definitions]
Abraham according to the Old Testament, the first of the postdiluvian patriarchs, father of Isaac, and ancestor of the Hebrews.
accost to confront and speak first to, often aggressively.
acrostic a sequence of written lines in which particular letters, usu. the first letter of every line, form an independent word or phrase. [1/2 definitions]
Adam according to the Old Testament, the name of the first man, created by God from dust, and the progenitor of the human race.
African National Congress South African political party founded in 1912, whose struggle to establish majority rule and eliminate apartheid led to the establishment in 1994 of South Africa's first multi-racial, democratically-elected government.
Alan Shepard U.S. astronaut, who was the first American to journey into space (b.1923--d.1998).
aleph the name of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Algonkian of, relating to, or designating the later of two geological periods of the Precambrian Era, from approximately 2.5 billion to 600 million years ago, when the first evidence of life appeared; Late Precambrian; Proterozoic. [1/4 definitions]
alpha the name of the first letter of the Greek alphabet. [2/3 definitions]
alpha and omega the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. [2 definitions]
Althea Gibson U.S. professional tennis player, who was the first African-American woman to win all the major world singles tennis titles (b.1927--d.2003).
am first person present sing. of be.
ANC abbreviation of "African National Congress," South African political party founded in 1912, whose struggle to establish majority rule and eliminate apartheid led to the establishment in 1994 of South Africa's first multi-racial, democratically-elected government.
A one superior; first-rate; first-class.
apostle the first or most prominent Christian missionary in a country or region. [1/3 definitions]
apparent seeming to be so at first observation, but not necessarily so; ostensible. [1/3 definitions]
apposition in grammar, the relationship, esp. of the second to the first, of two nouns or noun equivalents that are placed together in a sentence without a connecting conjunction, as in "Ed Smith, the famous athlete". [1/3 definitions]
April Fools' Day the first day of April, when tricks and practical jokes are customarily played on unsuspecting people.