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dribble in sports, to advance a ball or puck by rapid, short bounces, kicks, or pushes. [3/8 definitions]
face-off in ice hockey, the initiation of play in which the referee drops the puck between two opposing team members who then contend for control of it. [1/2 definitions]
field hockey a form of hockey that is played with a small ball on a field, rather than with a puck on ice.
goal in various sports such as hockey, football, and basketball, a structure through which one must hit, throw, or kick a ball or puck in order to score. [1/3 definitions]
hockey a sport played on ice, in which two teams of six skating players each try to drive a puck into each other's goal using angled hockey sticks; ice hockey. [1/2 definitions]
ice in hockey, to shoot (the puck) from one's defensive zone across the end line of the opposing team's defensive zone. [1/12 definitions]
offside ahead of the ball or puck, or beyond the line or area prescribed by the rules of a sport such as hockey or football.
pass in some sports, to throw, hit, or otherwise transfer (a ball, puck, or the like) to another player. [2/33 definitions]
slap shot in ice hockey, a powerful shot made with a full backswing, usu. sending the puck into the air.
stick1 in some sports, an implement for hitting or carrying a ball or puck. [1/4 definitions]