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compose to bring or return (oneself) to a state of calm or readiness. [1/6 definitions]
defensive an attitude of defense; readiness to defend, esp. oneself. [1/6 definitions]
forwardness eagerness or readiness. [1/3 definitions]
generosity willing readiness to give. [1/3 definitions]
glutton someone who exhibits an unusual readiness to undergo or withstand something, esp. something hard or unpleasant. [1/2 definitions]
in store in a state of readiness; on reserve. [1/2 definitions]
mount1 to position (guns), as in readiness to attack. [1/10 definitions]
OK1 (informal) all right; yes (used to indicate agreement, acceptance, understanding, readiness, or the like). [1/5 definitions]
poise to put or hold in a position of equilibrium or readiness. [1/6 definitions]
preparation a state of readiness. [1/3 definitions]
pugnacity readiness or eagerness to fight or argue.
sexuality ability or readiness to participate in sexual activity. [1/3 definitions]
standby the state of being in readiness, as an airline traveler who waits for a space made available by a cancellation. [1/3 definitions]
trim condition, as regards fitness or readiness for work or use. [1/13 definitions]
unreadiness combined form of readiness.
up in or into a state of activity, operation, or readiness. [2/34 definitions]
willingness the condition or being inclined or disposed to do something, without objecting or resisting; readiness.