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abnormal psychology the branch of psychology that is concerned with patterns of behavior, thought, and feeling that deviate greatly from average patterns.
accidence in grammar, the division of morphology that is concerned with inflections. [1/2 definitions]
address to direct attention to; deal with or be concerned with. [1/9 definitions]
aerobiology a branch of biology concerned with airborne viruses, microbes, pollutants, and the like.
anatomy the science concerned with the structure or physiology of plants or animals. [1/4 definitions]
anthropometry a branch of anthropology concerned with comparative measurements of the human body, among individuals or groups.
anxious very concerned. [1/3 definitions]
astronomy the branch of science concerned with the physical universe beyond the atmosphere of the earth.
bacteriology the science that is concerned with bacteria.
bank2 a business concerned with the safeguarding, exchanging, and lending of money. [1/6 definitions]
biology the science that is concerned with the growth, development, and functioning of living things. [1/3 definitions]
biomedicine the branch of medicine concerned with human survival and functioning in abnormal environmental conditions.
care the object of concerned attention. [2/12 definitions]
charitable of, concerned with, or intended for charity. [1/3 definitions]
charity a non-profit institution, organization, or fund concerned with aiding needy persons or promoting a cause. [1/5 definitions]
civil engineering the branch of engineering concerned with designing, building, or repairing roads, bridges, tunnels, and other public works.
clotheshorse a person excessively concerned with dressing stylishly. [1/2 definitions]
cockscomb a vain man who is exceptionally concerned with his dress and appearance; coxcomb. [1/3 definitions]
convention an international agreement or compact, usu. one concerned with a particular subject or issue. [1/4 definitions]
cosmochemistry the science concerned with the distribution of chemical substances in the universe.
cosmology the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature, origin, and development of the universe. [1/2 definitions]