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Dictionary Suite
bedsit (chiefly British; informal) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking.
bedsitter (chiefly British; informal) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking.
bed-sitting room (chiefly British) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking.
camp1 to stay for a while in a tent or other temporary outdoor shelter for the purpose of recreation or inexpensive accommodation, or as part of military operations (sometimes fol. by "out"). [1/9 definitions]
cheap bearing a low price; relatively inexpensive. [1/8 definitions]
coach an inexpensive class of airline or railway travel, lacking the amenities of first class. [1/8 definitions]
costume jewelry jewelry made of inexpensive materials or set with imitation or semiprecious stones.
dime store a store that sells mostly inexpensive products; five-and-ten.
dirt-cheap (informal) extremely inexpensive. [1/2 definitions]
five-and-ten a retail store that sells a wide variety of inexpensive consumer goods; dime store.
hostel an inexpensive shelter, esp. for young people who are traveling. [1/3 definitions]
housedress a simple, inexpensive dress worn while working around the house.
Incaparina an inexpensive protein food used esp. in Latin America to prevent diseases caused by protein deficiencies.
jug wine inexpensive wine sold in large juglike bottles.
luncheonette a plain and inexpensive restaurant, usu. having a counter and tables, that serves sandwiches and other lunch food.
National Health Service the British health service, largely financed by taxation, that provides free or inexpensive medical treatment. (abbr.:NHS)
NHS abbreviation of "National Health Service," the British health service, largely financed by taxation, that provides free or inexpensive medical treatment for patients.
nickel plate a thin coating of nickel, usu. deposited by electroplating, that provides an inexpensive, protective cover for other metals.
pension a small, inexpensive hotel or boarding house, esp. in Europe. [1/4 definitions]
Spam trademark for an inexpensive meat prepared from pork pieces and seasonings, usu. canned.
sundries small, inexpensive things of various kinds.