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anticipation foreknowledge; intuition. [1/3 definitions]
by the seat of one's pants by experience and intuition, not by plans or instruments.
clairvoyance extraordinary intuition or perceptiveness. [1/2 definitions]
discursive proceeding by reason rather than intuition, as an argument or discourse. [1/2 definitions]
divine to see or know by intuition or inspired guess. [2/12 definitions]
hunch a strong suspicion or guess; intuition. [1/7 definitions]
instinct power of intuition. [1/4 definitions]
intuitive of or pertaining to intuition. [3 definitions]
premonition an intuition of a future occurrence; presentiment. [1/2 definitions]
presage an intuition or sense of a future occurrence; presentiment. [1/7 definitions]
presentiment an intuition or sense of something about to happen; premonition or foreboding.
rationalism the principle or practice of valuing reason over other faculties such as emotion, sensation, or intuition. [1/3 definitions]
seat-of-the-pants relying on intuition and experience, rather than on technology or planning. [1/2 definitions]
sense to perceive without having obvious evidence; exercise intuition. [1/12 definitions]
sixth sense the ability to perceive independently of the five senses; intuition.
transcendentalism (sometimes pl.) any of several philosophies based on the belief that reality can be known only through intuition, spiritual guidance, or the study of the processes of thought, and not through sensory or objective experience.
vibe (often pl.; slang) an emotional quality believed to be detectable in a person or thing by intuition; vibration.
visceral stemming from instinct or intuition rather than the intellect. [1/4 definitions]