reverse search

Dictionary Suite
after in pursuit or search of. [1/12 definitions]
Argo (italics) in Greek mythology, the ship used by Jason in his search for the Golden Fleece.
Argonaut in Greek mythology, any of the crew of the Argo, who sailed with Jason in search of the Golden Fleece.
check an assessment or search to make sure something is correct or in order. [1/19 definitions]
clam to search or dig for clams. [1/4 definitions]
comb to search through, scrutinizing each particular. [1/9 definitions]
come up with to search one's memory or use one's imagination to produce a word, name, idea, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
creeper any of various perching birds that move along the surface of trees and the like in search of food. [1/6 definitions]
cruise to travel about for purposes of reconnaissance or in search of something. [1/5 definitions]
delve to make a careful, thoroughgoing search, as for information.
discover to see or witness due to a chance encounter or deliberate search; find. [1/3 definitions]
divining rod a forked stick used by dowsers to search for underground water; dowsing rod.
dowse to search with a divining rod for underground water or minerals.
dowser a person who uses a divining rod to search for underground water; water witch.
drag to search (the bottom of a lake, river, or the like). [1/13 definitions]
exobiology the scientific search for living things beyond the earth. [1/2 definitions]
ferret to search; rummage. [1/5 definitions]
fish to search or grope for something, often in an indirect way. [1/7 definitions]
forage a search for provisions or supplies, as in a military raid. [2/6 definitions]
frisk to search for something concealed on (someone) by passing one's hands quickly over the clothing. [1/3 definitions]
Google a U.S. corporation that developed a popular and distinctive internet search engine. [3 definitions]