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blackjack to coerce by threat. [1/6 definitions]
bludgeon to coerce forcibly; bully. [1/3 definitions]
buffalo to intimidate or coerce, as by a show of force. [1/4 definitions]
coercion the power to coerce. [1/2 definitions]
dragoon to coerce by violent means; tyrannize. [1/3 definitions]
put the screws on to compel (someone) by exerting pressure or force; coerce.
sandbag (informal) to intimidate or coerce. [1/5 definitions]
skyjack to take control of (an airplane), esp. in flight, by force or threats, usu. to coerce the pilot to fly to an unscheduled destination; hijack.
strong-arm to coerce or assault with, or as if with, physical force or violence or the threat thereof. [1/2 definitions]
terrorize to intimidate or coerce with threats or acts of violence. [1/2 definitions]