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bandbox a usu. cylindrical box of cardboard or thin wood, used to hold a hat or other clothing items.
beanie a small, colorful skull cap or brimless hat.
beaver1 a hat made from beaver fur. [1/3 definitions]
block a mold on which a thing, esp. a hat, is shaped or displayed. [1/19 definitions]
bloomer1 an outfit formerly worn by girls and women consisting of billowy trousers, gathered at the ankle and worn under a skirt and often with a jacket and wide-brimmed hat. [1/3 definitions]
bluebonnet a broad blue woolen hat, formerly worn in Scotland. [1/3 definitions]
bonnet a traditional women's cloth hat with a brim and fastened beneath the chin with ribbons, now worn primarily by infants. [1/6 definitions]
bowler2 a derby hat.
brim a flat or projecting edge, as of a hat. [1/4 definitions]
busby a tall hat made of fur and worn by certain British soldiers.
castor1 a beaver fur or rabbit fur hat. [1/2 definitions]
chapeau a hat.
cloche a woman's close-fitting, bell-shaped hat. [1/2 definitions]
cockade a rosette or knot of ribbon worn esp. on a hat as a badge of rank, office, or the like.
cocked hat a man's hat with a wide brim turned up in two or three flaps toward a pointed crown.
crown the highest part of something, such as a head, a mountain, an arch, or a hat. [1/21 definitions]
derby a hard hat made of felt with a round top and a curved, narrow brim; bowler. [1/3 definitions]
doff to tip or remove (one's hat) in greeting or acknowledgment. [1/3 definitions]
drum kit a set of percussion instruments arranged for convenient playing by a drummer in a band, the basic set of which usu. includes a bass drum, a tom-tom, a snare drum, a high-hat, and a crash cymbal, also called a drum set.
fedora a hat of soft felt, with a curled brim that can be turned up or down and a lengthwise crease in the crown.
hatband a band of cloth placed around the crown of a hat, just above the brim.