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Dictionary Suite
blende zinc or zinc sulfide; sphalerite. [1/2 definitions]
cinnabar a reddish mineral that is the main ore of mercury and is sometimes used as a pigment; mercuric sulfide. [1/2 definitions]
galena a grayish mineral consisting mainly of lead sulfide and constituting the chief ore of lead.
realgar the orange-red mineral, arsenic sulfide, used in fireworks and as a pigment.
sphalerite an ore, usu. brown, from which zinc is extracted; zinc sulfide.
sulfur any of a variety of compounds containing sulfur and having a strong unpleasant odor reminiscent of rotten eggs, such as hydrogen sulfide. [1/5 definitions]
sulfuret see "sulfide." [1/2 definitions]
trisulfide a sulfide molecule containing three atoms of sulfur.
vermilion a bright red pigment made of mercuric sulfide. [1/2 definitions]