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Dictionary Suite
bottommost lowest; furthest down.
endmost located nearest to the end; furthest; last.
extreme the furthest limit or highest degree. [1/7 definitions]
frontier (sometimes pl.) the outer or furthest reaches, as of settlement, exploration, or knowledge. [1/3 definitions]
inmost furthest in or deepest; innermost.
Lake Michigan a large lake that is one of the Great Lakes of North America and borders the U.S. states of Illnois, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Lake Michigan reaches the furthest south of the Great Lakes and borders the city of Chicago at its southern end.
rear end the part of something furthest to the back, such as an animal's buttocks or the rearmost part of a vehicle.
solstice either of the two times in the year when the sun is furthest from the celestial equator, occurring in June and December.
ultimate the furthest extreme; the utmost. [1/9 definitions]
undermost furthest down; lowest, esp. in rank.