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Dictionary Suite
gleam a continuous but dim or subdued shining; glow. [1/5 definitions]
indomitable too strong to be subdued or discouraged; unconquerable.
low-pitched not loud or of great intensity; soft; subdued. [1/3 definitions]
murmur to say something in a deliberately subdued voice, as to voice a complaint. [1/6 definitions]
overawe to cause to be subdued by awe; intimidate.
smolder to be present or continue in a subdued or hidden state, as an emotion. [1/4 definitions]
sober subdued or conservative in color or style. [1/6 definitions]
soft not strong or glaring; subdued. [1/12 definitions]
unbowed not subdued or defeated. [1/2 definitions]
undertone a low or subdued sound, esp. of the voice. [2/3 definitions]
unsubdued combined form of subdued.