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Arabian Peninsula a peninsula in western Asia that lies between the Red Sea to the west and the Persian Gulf to the northeast. The Indian Ocean borders the Arabian Peninsula on the southeast. Countries located on the peninsula include Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.
Bahrain an island country in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia. [1/2 definitions]
halalah the smallest monetary unit of Saudi Arabia. (Cf. riyal, qurush.)
Jordan a Middle Eastern country between Syria and Saudi Arabia; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. [1/2 definitions]
Mecca the religious capital of Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world. [1/2 definitions]
Medina a city in western Saudi Arabia, holy to Islam because Muhammad is buried there.
Oman a country on the Indian Ocean northeast of Yemen and west of Saudi Arabia.
qurush an intermediate monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, equaling five halalah. (Cf. riyal.)
Riyadh the capital of Saudi Arabia.
riyal the chief monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, equaling twenty qurush and one hundred halalah. [1/3 definitions]
Saudi of or pertaining to Saudi Arabia or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
Wahhabi a member of a Muslim sect, founded in the eighteenth century and now found mainly in Saudi Arabia, that believes in strict adherence to the Koran.