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accomplishment (often pl.) talent, social poise, or achievement valued by polite society. [1/3 definitions]
afraid feeling polite sorrow or regret. [1/3 definitions]
ceremonious given to formality or ceremony; formally polite. [1/2 definitions]
ceremony a social custom or polite ritual. [1/4 definitions]
common courtesy something generally done or said in a given situation in order to be considerate or polite.
could used in present or future time to talk about some action or state that is possible but not certain (often used in polite requests or offers). [1/4 definitions]
debonair having or marked by a charming and carefree but polite manner; suave.
declination a polite refusal. [1/5 definitions]
decline to refuse in a civil or polite way (to do or to give something). [1/10 definitions]
deference respectful or polite regard. [1/2 definitions]
devoir (pl.) acts or expressions of courtesy, civility, or respect, such as polite greetings. [1/2 definitions]
excuse to make a polite statement that allows (oneself) to leave the presence of others without the feeling of acting rudely. [1/11 definitions]
finishing school a private school at the secondary or junior college level for the training of young women, esp. in the social graces and accomplishments appropriate to polite society.
formal in accordance with well-established, solemn or polite customs and conventions; ceremonious. [1/9 definitions]
genteel exaggeratedly or affectedly polite and refined. [1/2 definitions]
gentleman in polite speech, any man. [1/4 definitions]
go to the bathroom (informal; polite) to use a toilet, or to relieve oneself without a toilet.
gracious inclined to do what is polite, kind, right, or considerate. [2/5 definitions]
impolite not polite; rude.
lady a polite term for a woman or girl. [1/3 definitions]
manner (pl.) proper behavior; polite conduct. [1/5 definitions]