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anticonvulsant a substance that prevents or controls convulsions, as in the treatment of epilepsy.
carbamazepine an anticonvulsant drug used in the treatment of epilepsy.
catalepsy a condition, often associated with epilepsy and schizophrenia, in which the body becomes numb and the limbs rigid, and the victim loses consciousness or fails to respond to external stimuli.
epileptic of or indicating epilepsy. [3 definitions]
falling sickness see "epilepsy."
grand mal a kind of epilepsy characterized by convulsions and loss of consciousness. (Cf. petit mal).
petit mal a form of epilepsy characterized by unconsciousness for short periods of time, but usu. no convulsions. (Cf. grand mal.)
seizure a sudden and violent disruption of usual brain activity, such as that which occurs in epilepsy, which affects the nervous system temporarily and renders the body out of control. [1/3 definitions]