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Dictionary Suite
cutaway a man's formal daytime coat with sides tapering toward tails at the back. [1/4 definitions]
day camp a place or program that offers recreational or instructional activities during the daytime for children who are on vacation from school.
day care daytime care and supervision, in a home or day-care center, esp. for preschool children, or after-school or vacation care for older children, or supervised daytime care for elderly or disabled people. [1/2 definitions]
days during the daytime regularly.
diurnal occurring or active during, or belonging to, the daytime rather than nighttime. (Cf. nocturnal.) [1/2 definitions]
good day used as expression of greeting or farewell in the daytime.
light1 dawn or daytime. [1/13 definitions]
morning dress formal daytime clothes for men, including a cutaway coat.
noon twelve o'clock in the daytime; midday.
sky blue a color like that of a clear daytime sky; light to pale blue; azure.
soap opera a melodramatic serialized drama, usu. broadcast on daytime television or radio.