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case law law based on precedents set in particular cases rather than on statute.
common law law based on custom or usage and on court decisions and opinions, rather than on statute. (Cf. statute law.)
enactment something that is enacted, such as a law or statute. [1/3 definitions]
mile a unit of length equal to 5,280 feet or 1.609 kilometers; statute mile. (abbr.: mi.) [1/3 definitions]
public law a law or statute that applies to the general public. [1/2 definitions]
purview in law, that which is provided, encompassed, or covered by a statute. [1/2 definitions]
statute of limitations a statute limiting the period of time during which legal action may be taken on a certain issue.
statutory of or being a statute or statutes. [2 definitions]
test case a legal action that tries the constitutionality of a statute or that is likely to set a precedent.