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Dictionary Suite
green not fully mature; unripe. [1/17 definitions]
malic acid a crystalline acid found esp. in unripe fruit such as apples and tomatoes.
olive green a yellowish green color; color of an unripe olive.
opium poppy a Eurasian annual poppy having grayish-green leaves and bearing large white, red, pink, or purple flowers, and oily seeds, the unripe pods of which may be harvested for their opium-containing sap.
papain an enzyme that digests protein, obtained from the juice of unripe papayas, and used for tenderizing meat and aiding digestion.
string bean any of the long green pods, eaten when unripe, that are produced by various bean plants; snap bean.
verjuice the sour juice of unripe fruit such as crab apples or grapes. [1/2 definitions]