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frantic marked by hurried or agitated movement or nervous activity. [1/2 definitions]
hasty done or produced quickly; speedy; hurried. [1/3 definitions]
helter-skelter in a hurried, confused manner; recklessly. [2/5 definitions]
hurry-scurry in a hurried, disordered manner; confusedly. [2/4 definitions]
precipitate moving forward or downward with great speed; greatly hurried. [1/11 definitions]
stampede the sudden, hurried, panicked mass movement of a large group of animals, esp. horses or cattle. [1/6 definitions]
stride to walk with long, even steps, as in an energetic, hurried, or showy manner. [1/7 definitions]
tumble to move or proceed in a hurried, confused, or haphazard manner. [1/16 definitions]
unhurried combined form of hurried.