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A-bomb an atomic bomb.
atom bomb see "atomic bomb."
atomic age (often cap.) the period in history characterized by the development and use of atomic energy in the generation of electrical power and for immensely destructive weapons.
atomic weight the average weight of one atom of a given element, expressed in atomic mass units.
atomism a theory that all matter is composed of small, indivisible particles called atoms, which in modern form is called atomic theory. [1/2 definitions]
atomize to subject to the effects of an atomic weapon. [1/3 definitions]
at. wt. abbreviation of "atomic weight," the average weight of one atom of a given element, expressed in atomic mass units.
bremsstrahlung electromagnetic radiation, such as x-rays, produced by the sudden deceleration or acceleration of an electron caused by its approach to an atomic nucleus.
chemical a distinct substance, such as an element or molecular compound, used in or obtained through a reaction involving atomic or molecular changes. [1/3 definitions]
cosmic rays streams of high-energy charged atomic nuclei or other particles that enter the earth's atmosphere from outer space.
crystal a naturally symmetrical or layered solid, such as diamond or quartz, with a regularly repeating three-dimensional atomic, ionic, or molecular structure. [1/7 definitions]
dalton see "atomic mass unit."
disintegrate to decay or be transformed, as an atomic nucleus bombarded by high-energy particles. [1/3 definitions]
dislocation an imperfection in the atomic structure of a crystal. [1/2 definitions]
Euratom the European Atomic Energy Community, comprised of six nations to coordinate the development and marketing of their nuclear resources.
firestorm an intense, widespread fire, caused by heavy conventional bombing or by an atomic explosion. [1/2 definitions]
fission the splitting of an atomic nucleus into two or more nuclei, thus producing atoms of lighter elements and releasing large amounts of energy. (Cf. fusion.) [1/3 definitions]
gram atom the quantity of an element with a weight in grams numerically equal to its atomic weight; gram-atomic weight.
Harry S. Truman the 33rd President of the United States (1945 to 1953), who ordered the dropping of atomic bombs for the purpose of bringing an end to World War II in Japan (b.1884--d.1972).
Hiroshima a city in southwest Honshu, Japan, on which the United States dropped an atomic bomb in August, 1945--the first use of a nuclear weapon in history. Hiroshima has been rebuilt and is a thriving city.
interatomic combined form of atomic.