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allure to attract or entice one. [1/4 definitions]
bait to entice, esp. by trickery. [1/5 definitions]
B-girl a woman employed by a drinking establishment to act as a companion for male customers and entice them to buy expensive drinks.
come-on (informal) something offered or apparently offered to entice or induce; lure. [1/2 definitions]
decoy something or someone used to lure, entice, or misdirect, as into danger or a trap, esp. an artificial bird or animal used to lure live birds or animals within gunshot or into a trap. [2/3 definitions]
enticement something that entices or is intended to entice. [1/2 definitions]
entrap to entice or trick into committing a crime so as to make an arrest. [1/4 definitions]
hook (informal) to entice and snare. [1/19 definitions]
inveigle to entice or ensnare by clever talk or flattery (usu. fol. by "into"). [1/2 definitions]
invite to attract or entice. [1/5 definitions]
lead on to entice into making a false assumption or taking an inappropriate or unwise course of action.
seduce to induce to commit any action; entice; attract. [1/3 definitions]
solicit to try to entice or incite (someone) to do something prohibited. [3/6 definitions]
tempt to entice or try to entice (someone) to do something unwise or wrong, as by promising pleasure or reward. [1/4 definitions]
wile a trick or stratagem intended to mislead, entice, or entrap. [1/4 definitions]