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Dictionary Suite
abeyance temporary suspension or cessation. [1/2 definitions]
apnea a temporary cessation of breathing.
blackout a cessation of operations of a communications medium. [1/4 definitions]
cease cessation; stopping. [1/3 definitions]
degeneration lessening or cessation of an organ's function in the course of evolution. [1/4 definitions]
menopausal of or pertaining to the natural cessation of menstruation that usually occurs in middle age.
rest1 the cessation of life; death. [1/20 definitions]
shut-off a stoppage, interruption, or cessation. [1/2 definitions]
stop the act of stopping or state of being stopped; cessation. [1/18 definitions]
surcease the cessation or end of something.
traffic jam a slowing down or cessation of the flow of traffic due to a concentration of drivers in one area or an accident or other impediment.