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agrarian pertaining to the ownership, tenure, or cultivation of land. [1/4 definitions]
aquaculture the cultivation of water plants, fish, shellfish, and other aquatic animals in controlled freshwater or saltwater environments.
citriculture the cultivation of citrus fruits.
cocultivation combined form of cultivation.
Confucianism the ethical teachings of Confucius, which emphasize reverence for ancestors, devotion to family and friends, cultivation and discipline of the mind, and social responsibility.
cultivated having undergone cultivation. [1/2 definitions]
cultured attained through cultivation; cultivated. [1/4 definitions]
floriculture the cultivation of flowers and flowering plants, esp. for sale, as in a commercial greenhouse.
husbandry the cultivation of land and raising of crops and farm animals; farming. [1/3 definitions]
mariculture the cultivation, in salt water, of marine organisms.
meadow fescue a tufted perennial grass that is used in lawns and in the cultivation of hay, esp. in the eastern United States.
Meistersinger a member of a medieval German guild organized for the cultivation of music and poetry.
noncultivation combined form of cultivation.
overcultivation combined form of cultivation.
oyster bed a place on the ocean floor where oysters naturally breed or one that is prepared for their cultivation.
pomology the scientific study of fruits and their cultivation.
self-cultivation combined form of cultivation.
silviculture the care and cultivation of forests; forestry.
tillage the cultivation of soil. [1/2 definitions]
topsoil soil on the surface of land, valued for its relative richness and ease of cultivation.
viticulture the cultivation of grapes, or the study or art of growing grapes.