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Dictionary Suite
alloy the relative degree of purity of a metal; fineness. [2/5 definitions]
angel a person of great, kindness, virtue, or spiritual purity. [1/3 definitions]
chroma the purity or degree of saturation of a color; relative absence of white or gray in a color.
defile1 to destroy the perfection or purity of. [1/5 definitions]
first water the highest degree of fineness or purity in a diamond or pearl. [1/2 definitions]
French Academy an association of forty scholars and writers devoted to maintaining the purity of the French language and establishing rules of usage.
Grail in medieval legend, the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, traditionally a symbol of Christian purity and the object of spiritual quests; Holy Grail. [1/2 definitions]
hallmark an official mark or stamp used in England to certify that a gold or silver article meets established standards of purity. [2/4 definitions]
innocence chastity or moral purity. [1/5 definitions]
karat a unit of measure for the purity of gold equal to one twenty-fourth part of pure gold.
kt abbreviation of "karat," a unit of measure for the purity of gold equal to one twenty-fourth part of pure gold.
Pecksniffian feigning charity and moral purity; hypocritical in one's attitude of benevolence.
stain a tarnish or blot upon one's reputation, virtue, or moral purity; stigma. [1/9 definitions]
sully to ruin the purity or perfection of. [1/2 definitions]