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jar2 to collide or bump so as to cause vibration; jolt. [3/9 definitions]
pulsation a beat, throb, or vibration. [2 definitions]
reed a small, flexible strip made of cane or metal that is set into the mouthpiece of a musical instrument, and through which the player blows to produce a sound vibration. [1/3 definitions]
resonance the prolongation of sound vibration by reflection or reverberation. [2/5 definitions]
shimmy an abnormal vibration or wobbling, as in an automobile's front wheels. [1/4 definitions]
snore to make loud, hoarse noises while sleeping, usu. caused by the vibration of the soft palate. [1/3 definitions]
throb a single beat, pulse, or vibration. [1/4 definitions]
tremolo a musical vibration produced by singing or playing one note, or two alternate notes, in rapid repetition; vibrato. [1/2 definitions]
tremor a mild seismic disturbance; vibration. [1/4 definitions]
trepidation a quiver or vibration. [1/2 definitions]
trill any rapid vibration of the tongue or uvula in the pronunciation of certain speech sounds, such as the "r" in Italian or Spanish. [1/5 definitions]
vibe (often pl.; slang) an emotional quality believed to be detectable in a person or thing by intuition; vibration.
vibratile of, pertaining to, or characterized by vibration. [1/3 definitions]
vibrationless combined form of vibration.
vibrator someone or something that vibrates or causes vibration. [1/3 definitions]
vibratory of, pertaining to, or causing vibration. [1/2 definitions]