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BM abbreviation of "bowel movement," the evacuation of waste matter from the bowels.
bryony any of several perennial vines of the gourd family, having fleshy roots and bearing greenish flowers, the juice of which has been used to cause vomiting and bowel movement.
costive having or causing difficult or infrequent bowel movement; constipated or constipating. [1/2 definitions]
diarrhea an intestinal condition characterized by frequent and watery bowel movements.
dysentery (informal) frequent and watery bowel movements; diarrhea. [1/2 definitions]
lax not firm or easily controllable, as bowel movements. [1/3 definitions]
laxative stimulative of bowel movement. [1/2 definitions]
stool the bulk of a bowel movement. [1/5 definitions]