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Dictionary Suite
abloom in flower; blooming.
bloomer2 a blooming plant. [1/2 definitions]
colchicum any of various plants of the lily family, usu. blooming in the fall; autumn crocus. [1/2 definitions]
efflorescence the condition, time, or process of blooming or flowering. [1/5 definitions]
flowering in flower; blooming. [1/2 definitions]
forsythia any of several wild or cultivated early-blooming shrubs bearing bright yellow flowers that bloom along the length of long, thin branches.
inflorescence the appearance or coming forth of flowers; blossoming or blooming. [1/3 definitions]
maravilla a leafy wildflower having fragrant, tubular, evening-blooming flowers ranging in color from white to deep pink and found in sandy and desert areas from southern California to Mexico.
out open or blooming, as flowers or trees. [1/29 definitions]