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attack the onset of an illness or disease. [1/9 definitions]
cornerstone a foundation stone laid at the onset of construction, sometimes carved with the date or hollowed to contain items of historical interest. [1/3 definitions]
flaw2 a short storm with a sudden onset; squall. [1/2 definitions]
invasion the beginning or onset of a disease or illness. [1/4 definitions]
oncoming the approach or onset of something. [1/2 definitions]
premenstrual of, relating to, or occurring during the time immediately preceding the onset of menstruation.
premenstrual syndrome a complex of symptoms that may occur before the onset of menstrual flow, including depression, irritability, fluid retention, and breast soreness.
retrograde amnesia amnesia about events that occurred just before the onset of the amnesia.
traumatic (of an injury) of sudden onset and requiring urgent medical attention. [1/2 definitions]