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act something done, esp. a specific instance; deed. [1/14 definitions]
action something that is done, is being done, or will be done. [2/8 definitions]
-ade1 something made or done or otherwise associated with an action. [1/4 definitions]
ad nauseam until one is sick of the thing being done, told, or the like.
agenda a list of things to be done or discussed.
anachronism the representation of something as existing or happening at a time when that thing did not exist or happen, or a similar presentation done in error. [1/2 definitions]
anacoluthon a sudden shift within a sentence from one grammatical structure to another, esp. when done for rhetorical effect.
antiphony singing or chanting done alternately or responsively by two groups.
aquarelle (French) watercolor painting with transparent colors, or a painting done by this technique.
automatize to cause to be done automatically.
backdoor done in secret; surreptitious.
bang-up (informal) done very well; excellent.
basting sewing done by stitching loosely to temporarily hold material in place. [1/2 definitions]
beating severe physical violence done as punishment or during a confrontation, usu. with blows from fists or a blunt instrument. [1/3 definitions]
belly-flop a dive, usu. done accidentally, in which most of the impact is taken by the diver's belly hitting flat against the water's surface. [1/3 definitions]
biannual done or occurring twice a year; semiannual.
billing (often pl.) the total amount of business done, as by an advertising agency, in a specified period of time. [1/3 definitions]
black and white a photograph or graphic representation done in shades of black and white only. [1/2 definitions]
block a solid piece of wood against which cutting or chopping is done. [1/19 definitions]
blueprint a photographic print of architectural or mechanical drawings, usu. done with white lines on a blue background. [1/3 definitions]
bodywork the activity or process of repairing damage done to the exterior of a motor vehicle. [1/3 definitions]