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footer in word processing or printing, information that is repeated at the bottom of a sequence of pages. (Cf. header.) [1/2 definitions]
header in word processing or printing, information that is repeated at the top of a sequence of pages. (Cf. footer.) [1/5 definitions]
microcomputer a small computer built with miniaturized components and used for applications that have a limited scope, such as small business and home computing and word processing. (See minicomputer.)
PDF abbreviation of "portable document format," a file format (invented by Adobe Systems, Inc.) that represents documents created in a variety of word processing and desktop publishing programs as they were intended to appear, independently of the platform or hardware with which they are created or read.
portable document format a file format (invented by Adobe Systems, Inc.) that represents documents created in a variety of word processing and desktop publishing programs as they were intended to appear, independently of the platform or hardware with which they are created or read.