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abaft in nautical terminology, toward the stern from; behind. [2 definitions]
avast used in nautical terminology as a command to stop.
aweigh in nautical terminology, not quite touching the bottom of a body of water (used of an anchor).
backwash in nautical terminology, water that an oar, propeller, or the like pushes toward the rear of a boat. [1/4 definitions]
belay in nautical terminology, to secure (a rope) by winding around a pin or cleat. [2/6 definitions]
breeches buoy a nautical rescue device consisting of a canvas sling with leg holes that is suspended from a life preserver, used to transfer the rescued person up a rope to a ship.
cable length a unit of nautical length equal to 720 feet or 219.6 meters in the United States.
clew in nautical terminology, one of the lower corners of a sail or a metal loop attached to the lower corner of a sail. [2/7 definitions]
clew up in nautical terminology, to haul (a sail) up by ropes running through the clews.
crewman a male member of a crew, esp. in nautical work or sport.
fleet2 in nautical terminology, to shift position. [2/5 definitions]
knot1 one nautical mile, or about 6,080 feet, per hour. [1/14 definitions]
leeway in nautical or aeronautical terminology, the drift of a ship or plane from its normal course to a leeward position. [1/2 definitions]
marine of or concerning ships or shipping; nautical. [1/7 definitions]
mile a unit of length equal to about 6,076 feet; nautical mile. [1/3 definitions]
shiver1 in nautical terminology, to vibrate when headed too close to the wind. [1/4 definitions]
stem3 an upright, usu. curved beam at the bow of a nautical vessel, into which the side timbers are jointed. [2 definitions]
stern2 the rear or back part of anything, esp. a nautical vessel. (Cf. bow3, stem3.)
sternmost in nautical terminology, farthest astern; last in line.
unship to remove (a piece of nautical gear) from the proper position for use. [1/3 definitions]
whipstaff in nautical terminology, a bar that is attached to the tiller of a ship to aid in steering.